REVIEW: Disney/Pixar's Soul (SPOILERS)


Soul is a beautiful movie.

Soul honestly has a startling beginning with almost instantly killing off the main character. 
Soul deals with one of the biggest philosophical issues, "what is living."

For most of the film, Joe Gardner believes that his life is about to begin because of his upcoming music gig. Joe did not realize that his life had already begun and he was letting it slip away. For ages philosophers have asked the question, "what is living," and I think Disney/Pixar answered that question in Soul (Whether they intended to or not). Joe went from just existing to living because of his mindset.

Joe thought he was just existing because he was not doing what he thought his purpose was, even though he already was. Joe was living the whole time and just didn't realize it.

Animation and Rendering

The animation and rending of the film are spectacular. Disney/Pixar went into great detail on the cloth, particles, lighting, and animation of Soul. The sweat on the characters was extremely realistic and the animation of the musicians' hands is absolutely amazing and lifelike in movement.

10/10, I highly recommend watching Soul.
